Stresses make their way
For past some days I have been trying to recapitulate how Stresses ride in and on a modern man. There is one thing I am beginning to get sure of: that stresses are communicable problem. A stressed up man in proximity is potent vector to bring about stresses in every one around; he can stress up the whole contiguous environment.
Stresses have become so much a part of our life that perhaps we have stopped seeing many of its harmful forms as a problem itself. Like, the examination stress. Students these days are thin, lean people. Do we ever think how the food intake for a normal healthy growth gets reduced in them?
Many lives that we live
Then, more importantly, I can see this dual or multiple lives phenomenon getting large with many of us. I myself feel a different man when working as an officer on ship, a different man when in my friends group, and a different man-- better say a child-- when fighting with my parents; and yet a different man when going to my pertinent offices.
And I live all these lives quite successfully for a considerably long time, not letting one life know about the other lives. That’s become so common with many people around us. The modern man’s life has got too much demanding on him that an evolution has come about to yield all the types from one single soul. Our physical appearances, our voices, our dressing sense, our demeanor changes as a whole while we are hopping from one life to other.
In this movie, ‘The Invasion’ (starring Daniel Craig, Nicole Kidman), I noted one talk from Kidman, her character being that of a psychologist, that we the modern human beings shall in another 2~3 hundred not be the same species that have been in the past 5000 years. Our psychology, our outlook, our life style is changing so fast. Our immense thirst and search for knowledge in some 50-6 years has begun to lead us towards some major evolutionary change. The physique is beginning to change, in first place. Our extremes are polarizing more frequently than before. For example, the physical fitness of those related with sports and so is turning to be much better than those in the brain-jobs. The Air-con workers are becoming more fragile, sensitive, but even more brainier than field workers.
Cant guess what I will be emotionally like many years hence, when I turn back to read this blog of mine.