कान्हा रे ssssssssssss
Aufbau...the building-up of me.
Aufbau is a German word for describing the principle by which electrons group-up in an atom. It is intriguing to learn that neutrons/protons/electron do not differ in their properties from element to another. Rather, it is the different configuration of these sub-atomic particles which yields different Elements. This blog is meant to describe my special configuration of events, which yields-Me. Human body is made of Elements; but human character is carved from Events.
Wednesday, September 09, 2020
अनूप जलोटा के भजन : कान्हा रे तू राधा बन जा
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
व्यक्तिव विकार से उत्पन्न अभद्र व्यवहार बनाम अनुचित व्यवहार
ज्यों ही यह सपष्ट हो जाता है की अन्तर्सम्बंधिय कलह का कारक व्यक्तित्व विकार से उत्पन्न अभद्र व्यव्हार हैं, मात्र अनुचित व्यवहार नहीं, तब फिर उसके आगे उचित व्यवहारों की सीख देना या टिपण्णी करना अपने में एक दर्द देयक कर्म हो जाता है उनके ऊपर जो की व्यतित्व विकार की पीड़ा को वहन कर रहा होता है।
Friday, July 12, 2013
the on-the-bench- attitude
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Types of reasonings
To a question such as 'why should we drive on the left side of the road' , some people may give reasoning such as 'because that is the requirement of law'. This is a non-critical reasoning where the reasoning being given is itself not explaining the cause but only stretching farther our reach from the causation.
Some may give the reasoning that keeping on left side of the road will all the traffic in the same direction along the same line, thereby avoiding the cross-traffic. This is normative, where he is explaining 'what is ought to be', i.e., what is desired to be. Does it explain to us why the choice of 'left side' over the 'right side' to achieve what is desired?
There can be reasoning of how in the historical perspective the design of the car in the early days lead to choice of left side over the right side. However this positivist, based on facts. But it misses out the legal requirement and the desires, the purposes.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
the faulted criticism of education system in India
This aspect of logic has a been a very significant cause of problem with the Critics, such as Shri Anupam Kher, when they worked in movies such as "Paathshala" and "F.A.L.T.U", or even "3 Idiots".
Anti-educationism is not a logically worth criticism of Education System.
Can the learning process ever be detached away from books, reading and writing? A man surely 'learns' from his own mistake, but does that process of learning also mean 'education', that which can be reasoned as a 'intended action to bring in some desired and planned change in human behaviour'. learning from own mistake is an accidental learning and cannot contribute to the development of society, because each individual will have to keep doing the same sets of mistakes again in each generation to learn from its own mistakes. Such a learning is personalised learning of the individual from his personal upliftment, the social and collective upliftment of humans through its generation will be a negated aspect in such a learning.
Therefore, learning has to come about through learning from books or whatever process which upholds study of the compilation of knowledge in some form or the other. This will mean that a collection of worthwhile knowledge in each field will have to be created , collection of the individualised learning of the people from the past who had "learned something from their own mistakes", and then such a collection be given the noun called "books". The faulted critics have focused to hard on having the education 'freed' from the books, calling it by references and names such as "books worms", "bookish knowledge", "book knowledge is not everything", etc. Perhaps the critics should have emphasised on the correct philosophical meaning of what is a Book and discuss the limitations of book-learning instead of name-calling all the books.
Listen to beautiful and soulful song from movie '3 idiots', "behati hawa sa tha woh, udati patang sa tha woh..". The songs surely calls for "freedom" when it calls references of blowing wind, flying kites, et al. But is the relevance of "freedom" in education correctly understood by our dear the faulted 'critics of Education system in India'. Isn't freedom in the political and social context mis-represented in this song, thereby imparting, however unwittingly, the wrong meaning of Freedom (in the political and social context), to its listeners.
Can students and learning ever be separated away from discipline aspect which is required by one to impose on himself to acquire understanding of the complex topics in natural science ? The what sort of 'freedom' was the worthy criticism of Education system ? To answer to this question, references will have to be drawn from ancient times when the Education system was just beginning to find birth in human societies. In "3 Idiots", the character of Aamir Khan simply roams around in the campus with his hands slipped in the pockets, and yet coming 'first' in all the subjects? How casually , simplistically and "easily" have they portrayed 'freedom' to be the winner, dumping the relevance of self-discipline, hard-work, all that is traditionally understood to be mandatory for a scholar. Some of the learning process have to come around only when humans have luxury and freedom to think it out on their own accord those aspects of nature and natural sciences, but the context of "freedom" is about the freedom of individual level, constrained through a self-imposed discipline and hard-work. Freedom from social obligations is not to correct meaning of freedom in this reference , that a teacher Mr "Virus" can be fooled off so simplistically.
In ancient times, when philosophers such as Aristotle were laying the first stones of what would become Educations System when centuries later, the criticism and debates had rolled off between charity teachers such as Aristotle, and Money-oriented teachers who were opposed to Aristotle's belief of "education is a must for the upliftment of human race , so it should be given away free to everyone". The beginning of commercialised education had found existence at that very moment when Education system was founded. And then, the rise of 'profression education' was a posteriori to Commercial teaching. Against this charity teaching of Aristotle could not find as many "scholastic learning" students. Although the aspect of expansion of human advancement has been that most of the new researches have come from the non-profressional learners, who did their work out of hobby, or simply the love of learnining something. From Newton, to Darwin, to Einstein, the names of be to many more such 'learners'. The criticism of "professional" purpose learners was about not having "freedom" to work in their own direction , in researching and trying new things but simply doing away with what have been acquired from the money-oriented commercialised teachers.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Why do they teach 'History and Civics'
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Sunday pleasure readings
Science is broadly understood as collecting, analyzing, publishing, reanalyzing, critiquing, and reusing data.
source website : Open Science ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_science )
Definition of Transparency :
Transparency, as used in science, engineering, business, the humanities and in a social context more generally, implies openness, communication, and accountability. Transparency is operating in such a way that it is easy for others to see what actions are performed. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transparency_(behavior))
Transparency can be defined as successful two-way communication about public policy. The institutional arrangements that make it possible reflect national culture, history and values.
However, transparency starts from a core set of measures that are so fundamental as to
be almost indistinguishable from governments’ basic legislative, administrative and
fiscal functions. Core measures help to ensure that people who are affected by policies
know about them and can respond to them. Guidelines for good transparency practices
have emerged in the fiscal and regulatory areas. (http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/45/22/2506884.pdf).
What is Plutocracy ? :
Plutocracy (from Ancient Greek ploutos, meaning "wealth", and kratos, meaning "power, rule") is rule by the wealthy, or powerprovided by wealth.
What is Privacy ? :
Privacy (from Latin: privatus "separated from the rest, deprived of something, esp. office, participation in the government", from privo "to deprive") is the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves and thereby reveal themselves selectively. The boundaries and content of what is considered private differ among cultures and individuals, but share basic common themes. Privacy is sometimes related to anonymity, the wish to remain unnoticed or unidentified in the public realm. When something is private to a person, it usually means there is something within them that is considered inherently special or personally sensitive. The degree to which private information is exposed therefore depends on how the public will receive this information, which differs between places and over time. Privacy partially intersects security, including for instance the concepts of appropriate use, as well as protection, of information. Privacy may also take the form of bodily integrity. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privacy#Privacy_law)
More reading on what is privacy (http://www.privacy.gov.au/aboutprivacy/what )
Disclosure of an undisclosed information about a person in the public domain constitutes a breach of privacy.
What is Secrecy ?
Views on secrecy
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