Monday, May 28, 2007

Why a mariner be paid so much…………….(the answer)

Why a mariner be paid so much…………….(the answer)

So here I m attempting to answer the question which I had only raised to my own self

This is what I think…---

Salary of a mariner is rooted more in its historical backdrop than elsewhere. The very line of thinking—it’s for staying away from home; it’s a risky profession, -- are all a secondary line of reasoning. The primary and the basic line, in my opinion, would be the history of the profession. Men of seas had been raking the mullah from the time immemorial. Their traditional rights cannot be suddenly overthrown by arrival of a so-called the modern management thinking. The mariners have been getting it, and they should continue to get it, putting away any attempt to divert the treasure of the seas to any land lubber sitting miles away from the galore of green waters, in safe homes, doing what is called the commercial operations.
Now in this above viewpoint, I would want to make clear the fact that I have no intentions of underplaying the importance of management-thinking trained the commercial operators in this new-order world. So the treasures may at the most be shared between the hunters and the facilitators. But the facilitators should not be made to tower the hunters.
If were a management consultant, working with any renowned consultancy firm, I would have taken it to be extremely foolish to snatch away the righteous proportions of the booty being taken way from the bringers and giving away to the white collars. The newborn stake holders can and must join the party but without underplaying the importance of the original hunters.
In fact, during the year 2000 revamping consultancy of the SCI by Prise Waterhouse Coopers, the suggested methods were also in concurrence with the above. All that they had suggested was cutting down on excessive staff both on land and on ships and then increase the wages on the remaining ones. Their working methodology was in line with those foreign operators who are known to be the best in ship operations.
But owing to its Public Sector Undertaking status, the SCI could not put behind its other objective of public welfare. Hence it is continually exploring the path of business with social objectives fulfillment. The rightsizing could not have been affected overnight. So here we are, still on the warpaths, conflicting egos with other and striving each other’s fall.

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