Sunday, December 07, 2008


My cry to the arguers who put sentences like ‘what will you do when…’(so that I should start doing the emergency actions as a routine procedure).

Reading the news reports on the terror attacks of yesterday in Mumbai, the argument went on to say how deep indoctrinated is the psyche of a suicide bomber that s/he is ready to destroy self for his beliefs. In raw words, he is brainwashed. I proceeded to think - are we all not brainwashed to some good extent in some larger sense?
The arguer would often describe the malpractices in business and governance, the helplessness of person--something or other-- to establish ‘the ways of the world’ . “ sh*t floats and it floats everywhere”-- the great scatological management thought to prove own point, implying - wrong is unacceptable, no matter where. Isn’t that a brainwashing in some other deep sense, and which eventually facilitates in the ‘brainwashing’ of terrorists. To me this same thought was given to mean that it was I who was creating sh*t-- doing a wrong by attempting to report one wrong.
The argument was primarily around whether the ship-yard will charge the ship for picking ship’s stores by its crane or not. I insisted - they would not; my reasoning being that at a repair yard, the use of crane is the vary foundation of all work. Who accounts and how does he account whether one single move was for ship’s personal work or the yard staff’s work. Then, what when the ship’s own crane is rendered unusable for n number of reasons, not distinctly known to all the yard staff involved with the crane accounting, if there be any. Also, there is no known agreement in regard to usage of yard crane - between the ship, the ship owners and the yard. All personal work of ship staff is a ship’s work only.
Arguments kept coming that money is directly involved in giving all the services - however big or small; and hence a cost would be billed on the ship’s account. Some inquires from some yard staff even sprang an amount of ¥ 500RM for this particular lift. I argued if that will show up specifically in the bill anywhere? Reply said- No, because we were as it is working in a project where million dollars are anyways involved. (exiguous amount could not be reflected in thus).
I insisted that even then the break-down has to be clear-- so that even I may delegate my staff to keep track of such cost-incurring movements, and keep them in checks to reduce the cost.
Cost-cutting was the motto gladly accepted but with words that not everything is disclosed, and that bills won’t even come to our hand anyways. (the fundamentals of ‘Transparency’ are commonly flayed like this)
I agreed that we generally remain impervious with such details, but if money saving is really intended through the means of making ship-staff use the ship crane, then such things will requires a diagnosing from us too.
We are small fishes in the big oceans-- I was made to understand. There is no such thing as free lunch, and hence I was told, I should not assume that cost will not be incurred uselessly. There are many sneak-viewer who would inform that to the owners and the yard to count the exact thing-- I was told.
My ignorance of details was admissible to me, but the same was getting utilized to poke in other more theories to, taking things away into self -willed direction.
I argued that- I would agree to the demand of co-operation, --would offer the best ‘good faith’ that can be- but the same not to be mis-utilised to mould things in own favour, and/or to create any economy pressure where there exist none.
The arguer was my senior capacity. I FELT I WAS BEING BRAINWASHED.

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