Saturday, February 26, 2011

Model of business around transportation by sea

Business and laws

Business model of Sea Transport

When I look at the above diagram, I tend to wonder how small is the position of every person in the whole circle of business.
The bold yellow highlighter indicates us, the sea farers, and our ship. the red denotes the Cargo, whole purpose of a merchant ship and seafarer's existence.
The Bold Green reversible arrow line indicates 'Trade'.
What's trade? I wonder in a real philosophical sense. The very meaning of existence of human beings. The crunch of our society and all our relations.
Oh ho ho. It's only trade-by-sea that serves the seafarer's purpose, but that doesn't mean that 'only' that all is Trade. Trade in its more diverse forms is everywhere. That is why I say, Trade is in all human exchanges..
And then , as the great Kautilya puts it, in Arthshastra, "There can be no human relation without self-interest." It's trade.
And then look at all those laws that apply to that small entity of this big cris-cross world, the contractual laws, and all that in the list, lower down.
How will that common man, as a sea-farer, live all those laws?? So much of it.
Dharma becomes his only shelter to live life with peace.To live awakened, knowledge-gaining, quiet, and recluse. ...Never know what law may slay him down when.
So much powerless and so much beseiged by compilations of law, we are, we all.
Some of them for our safety only, but still crushing us down with their weight for their good application. That's the irony.
And then I think of Arjun in the battlefield. Dharma and bhagvad make more sense now than before.
To deliver the idealism of Ram in this huge, complex world of business is what is the pragmatism of Krishna, the lesson of Dharma.

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