There are two levels of observing a situation. One is micro-level and the other is macro-level. A man is born to observe in a natural manner, that is through his physical organ of eyes, a scene which is the micro level of observation, that is, physically as he sees in through his eyes. The limitations of micro level observations are : It is like when we are driving on a road we hardly realise when and where we have rounded a turn to change our direction. We see things only from a local perspective and do not relate each round in the road with reference to the previous heading we maintained, most commonly because we do not even feel the round or a bent in the road happening. Often the bends are designed to slowly turn us around in order to prevent an accident in the road. And that is what happens in the micro level observations.
In a macro level, a man has to keep a mental image of the map of the area, that is, a top side view of the zone, and then relate his own headings at each of the courses he has to do while reaching his destination. This is macro level, or "the big picture" of the situation, which the English often keep calling on us to look at whenever any problem situation arises. Macro level observations require great deal of imaginations skill from a person which is often developed through driving and travelling.
Indians being a non-exploring community, are generally lacking in the macro level observational skill. The rural indians are more definitively a lot.
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